dasbob has completed the foundation phase
The dasbob group of companies continues to grow and form necessary structures.
With the notarial certification, the dasbob group of companies is now perfectly positioned in its divisions!
dasbob Beteiligungs AG forms the umbrella of the group structure under which the subsidiaries are gathered.
dasbob Terminals GmbH will take care of the operation and management of the terminal cafés. Our terminals are the link between online business and city centres.
With dasbob Immobilien GmbH, we will oversee the administration, maintenance, and management of all properties within the dasbob group of companies.
dasbob Vertriebs GmbH is responsible for all aspects of management, control, and development of the sixteen independent national subsidiaries.
All affiliated companies and the holding company are supported by dasbob Verwaltungs GmbH. This is where all processes, especially those concerning administrative tasks such as accounting, HR management, back office, IT and many more, come together.